As the first vintage car show in Geneva Switzerland, bringing together all enthusiasts of classic, vintage, and young cars, we wish to create a synergy between the various sectors in this sector. This includes mechanics, bodywork specialists, saddlers, parts dealers, painters, designers, and of course, enjoyers. Our goal is not just to organize an exhibition of classic cars, or a simple gathering like many others, but to highlight all the professions of this special world, especially those that are unknown to the public. We wish to light up the spark of passion for the new generation, and bring attention to all the people who kept and maintained this unique heritage as well. To bring back the emotions we felt after turning the ignition key for the first time after hours of work, and remind some of us of precious childhood memories.
- Congresses and manifestations
Salon Romand Vintage Motors
As the first vintage car show in Geneva Switzerland, bringing together all enthusiasts of classic, vintage, and young cars, we wish to create a synergy between the various sectors in this sector. This includes mechanics, bodywork specialists, saddlers, parts dealers, painters, designers, and of course, enjoyers. Our goal is not just to organize an exhibition of classic cars, or a simple gathering like many others, but to highlight all the professions of this special world, especially those that are unknown to the public. We wish to light up the spark of passion for the new generation, and bring attention to all the people who kept and maintained this unique heritage as well. To bring back the emotions we felt after turning the ignition key for the first time after hours of work, and remind some of us of precious childhood memories.